Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

Hello, my name is Melshida. I am a Junior at Fort Lauderdale high school. Working on our commercial and music video has allowed me to be more creative. This class will be very interesting because I will be able to learn about the process it takes to make the film. A little about me is that I like to read. I also like to play instruments and try new things. I always try to be the best I can be. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I also like to learn to cook more food. I love to watch Netflix. For the final task, I will be working with Sabrina and Rejoice since we have worked together before.

I have learned a lot from this class so far. I was able to use a camera with a tripod and this was something I had never done so it was fun to learn. I also learned the correct way to dump something onto the computer. Another thing that I learned was how to edit. This will help because I will know how to add effects I need to. Learning all of these skills will help me make the film. I now have more knowledge about how the camera works and I can now use more camera movement in the film. This will help it to look better and have an overall better outcome. I am excited to start working on the on our final task.

What is a Pitch? A pitch describes an idea where a film is summarized in 25 words or less. As a group, we came up with three different pitches to contribute to the final task.

Pitch #1: They say together until the end, but I say obsessed forever

Pitch #2: Loyalty is like a knife stab through the heart

Pitch #3: Betrayal is like a bed of thorns... it leaves you bloody

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