Today I learned the basics of the editing process and how to check out a camera. To check out
a camera, we need to fill out an equipment agreement form, then bring it to the desk. Lastly,
place the form in the class folder. To edit, we will be using Pinnacle Studios. First, the SD card
goes into the SD card reader. The SD reader then goes into the USB. A folder will be made for
the footage. All the footage goes into the folder. Go to DCIM to get your footage. If it is not there
go to AVCHD and click on what pops up, then stream. Once the footage is moved to the
computer, the SD card can be removed.
To import the footage goes to your folder, then go to pinnacle studios. Look for your folder by
clicking on my computer then desktop and start to import. The raw footage will be at the top. In
order to edit build on AV track two. AV track one is for titles and AV track three is for music.
Drag the footage to AV track two to edit. To cut something move the line before the clip you
want to cut. Next, click the razorblade, once the razorblade is selected it will split, then you
press delete. To add transitions right-click. Next click effects in, then transitions in.
To make the title hit T for a title. To make it move go to motions on the top of the screen. Music
is added the same way as footage. To remove audio like dialogue, right-click on the clip and
press detach audio. Then press delete to remove the audio. To export press MPEG 4. Pick the
best quality option, then click start to export. You will only need to export your final video. You
can save the video to your folder. Then you will not need to go to Pinnacle Studios again.
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